About Us
Mission Vision and Strategy

"Professional, Qualitative, Impartial & Ethical Accredited Certification services"
Our Vision

Our Mission
To deliver confidence to Government, Business and the public by providing a world class accredited Certification service that:
supports the competitiveness of the organization worldwide;
meets stakeholders needs by providing innovative, robust and effective solutions;
is fully accessible, delivers customer service excellence and provides added value.
KRISHTECH remains impartial, agile and proactive in underpinning the national & international quality infrastructure, enabling the country economy to thrive.
Our Strategy
Is to continue to strengthen our operations teams, developing the capacity and capability to exceed the expectations of our customers and stakeholders and deliver accreditation services to the highest quality and technical standards.
We are continually optimizing new technology to improve our open, collaborative customer and stakeholder relations, and to develop KRISHTECH services into an even more flexible organization, with the capability and capacity to meet the increasing demand for accredited Certification